Ohio Small Business Council

The home for small businesses to engage on the issues facing the Ohio economy.

Value Proposition

Belonging to Ohio strongest public policy advocacy voice on critically important business issues

Access to Information and research on Ohio’s business climate and other economic trends

Networking and collaboration with a diverse group of business owners from across the state

Engagement in civic programs to make informed decisions at the state-wide and local levels

Join the Ohio Small Business Council for a $500 introductory rate

Participating in special educational member programs, events, and webinars

Opportunities to “get a return on your dues investment” by participating in Ohio Chamber sponsored value added benefits

  • Small Group Health Insurance
  • Workers’ Compensation Discounts

Ohio Small Business Priorities

Creation of a public–private partnership connecting Ohio college students with Ohio-based employers to facilitate Ohio-based internships, externships, and co-ops and removal of barriers to entering career technical training programs and vocational jobs.

Advocate for responsible, increased price transparency for health care services, improving efficiency of the system and healthcare outcomes.

Support legislation that strengthens small business options when faced with unknown and/or uncertain regulations.

Explore measures that provide fairness to businesses as it relates to taxes.

Support efforts to reduce regulatory burdens on small business through legislative or administrative action

Support a fair and equitable plan for the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund to achieve solvency.

Ohio Membership Company Size

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Ohio Membership Industry Breakdown

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Ohio Membership by Location

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Ohio Small Business by the Numbers*

Ohio is home to approximately one million small businesses.

99.6% of all employers in Ohio are small businesses.

Ohio small businesses employed 2.2 million workers in 2019, accounting for 45% of total employment.

96% of all businesses in Ohio have 20 or fewer employees.

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*Statistics from U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy - 2022 Small Business Profile.

Contact Us

Roger Geiger

Executive Director

Ohio Small Business Council




34 S. 3rd Street, Suite 100, Columbus, OH 43215


34 S Third St., Suite 100 Columbus, OH 43215 | 614-228-4201