2020 Annual Meeting & Legislative Reception

2020 Annual Meeting & Legislative Reception

The 2020 Ohio Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting & Legislative Reception will be held on Tuesday, May 19 at the Jo Ann Davidson Theatre in the Riffe Building, 77 S. High St.

The event features an internationally known business leader whose company has a large footprint in Ohio.

The event will begin at 3:00 p.m. with a "fireside" chat with our keynote speaker. This will be followed by our Annual Meeting that includes the election of our board of directors. at 4:30 p.m. Gov. Mike DeWine will take the stage to address the attendees followed by an awards presentation.

At 5:00 p.m. our Legislative Reception will open at the Sheraton Columbus Hotel, just one block from the theatre. All Annual Meeting attendees and members of the Ohio Legislature are invited to attend.

Registration is $100 for Ohio Chamber Members, $150 for nonmembers and $50 for local chamber executives and their staff. If you have questions about registration or sponsorship, please contact Ashley Brown at 614-629-0918.

CLICK HERE to Register.

2020 Annual Meeting Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

  • Altria
  • Gorman-Rupp Company

Bronze Sponsors

  • Columbus Downtown Development Corporation

Medallion Sponsors

  • Delta Dental of Ohio

For sponsorship information, click here.

Chamber Day Information

Chamber Day will be held prior to our Annual Meeting starting at 12 noon at the Sheraton Columbus Hotel.

This is a special program for local chamber executives, their staff and their members. The program will include selected speakers and the always popular Legislative Update from the Ohio Chamber of Commerce's Government Affairs staff. A buffet lunch will be provided. The cost to attend this program is included in your Annual Meeting registration.

If you have questions about Chamber Day, please contact Anthony Lagunzad 614-629-0923 or Sherry Heffner 614-228-4201.




34 S Third St., Suite 100 Columbus, OH 43215 | 614-228-4201